Thursday, June 08, 2006

The Research of Dr. Masaru Emoto by Felicia Weiss, Ph.D.

Dr. Masaru Emoto, author of Messages from Water, has been able to further our understanding about water's caring and compassionate connection with us. By freezing water and taking pictures of the frozen water crystals that form, Dr. Emoto has been able to confirm his theory that while pure water becomes pure crystal, contaminated water may not crystallize at all or not as beautifully.

The implications of Dr. Emoto's work are profound and life-changing. For example, in one experiment, Dr. Emoto wrote to 500 instructors from all over Japan. He told them that he would be placing a cup of ordinary tap water on his desk at a specific date and time. He asked them to transmit their feelings to that water-to send "chi and soul" of love and the wish that the water should become clean. The before and after pictures (shown above) are truly remarkable. As you can see, the "before" photo of the tap water is a mess, whereas the "after" photo shows a gorgeous crystal. This is an amazing finding since the 500 people were not even in the same room, nor even in the same city. This demonstrates that people's thoughts can be gathered no matter how far apart they are. It confirms the power of thought and prayer and further suggests that perhaps we can purify ordinary tap water through our conscious thought and words.

Dr. Emoto has further determined that the intention of words chosen are also extremely important. In another experiment he took a sample of distilled water, which he divided into two glass bottles. He pasted a typed paper on one bottle with the Japanese words, "Do It". On the other bottle he pasted the Japanese words, "Let's Do It". He left these words overnight and in the morning he froze the water and took the pictures of the crystals. As you can see in the photos above, the results were again quite dramatic. The more commanding words, "Do It", were clearly not responded to in as positive a way by the water as the more encouraging words, "Let's Do It". This suggests that we may wish to pay more attention to the way that we talk to each other and especially to our children.

Based upon these and many of his other equally dramatic findings with water, Dr. Emoto has several recommendations for creating a more peaceful life. For example, he suggests that we say words of appreciation, that we give greetings with a smile, that we pray and that we say blessings at meal time over our food and water. Furthermore, Dr. Emoto encourages us to take an early morning walk to awaken our immune system and to talk to and love nature. In addition, by walking on the ground in our bare feet, Dr. Emoto believes that we can eliminate the electromagnetic waves and static electricity that our bodies have accumulated. He also encourages us to review things in the shoes of others and to not accumulate negative feelings. Of course Dr. Emoto also recommends that we drink high-quality water. He feels that the best kind of water is when it tastes good and sweet.


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